Transport Efficiency Improving in Emerging Countries
Transport is often the fastest growing sector for energy demand in emerging countries. Because the sector depends almost entirely on fossil ...
Resource Challenges for Zero-Net-Emissions
One effect of a successful energy transition will be a lessening of economic and geostrategic dependence on fossil fuels. But dependence wil...
Growing Economy & Access to Electricity Mean Booming Energy Use in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia has made important advances in access to electricity and economic development, but struggles to reduce its carbon intensity i...
Between 10 and 20% of electricity consumption from the ICT* sector in 2030?
The development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) entails a deep transformation of energy systems, as digitization drives...
Australia and the US build up LNG export capacities
New increase in LNG supply capacity and in LNG trade (+10%) in 2017.
With +9.9 Mt and +9.5 Mt of added capacity respectively, Australia a...
Asian and European gas prices will converge by 2030
Contrary to oil, gas markets are based on the availability of expensive transport infrastructure and have traditionally been regional (North...
Solar surged in 2017, wind slowed down
Global renewable capacity additions continued to grow in 2017, with nearly 47 GW of wind capacity and close to 73 GW of solar capacity added...
Up to 50% of the global car fleet could be electric* in 2050
According to the 2018 Enerdata EnerFuture scenarios, half of the car fleet could be electric by 2050. Electric vehicles and other decarbonat...
Rise in global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017
Enerdata estimates a +2% growth of global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017. This result shows a significant change in the tre...
Brazil’s wind production is surging again in 2017
Based on our first estimates for 2017, wind power capacity and generation continued to soar in Brazil in 2017. After a 2.5 GW increase in 20...
Global LNG: Tax and Trade?
2016 was a turning-point in a 70-year drive to remove global trade barriers. After several years of accelerating undercurrents against globa...
Floating LNG – Unfulfilled Promise
Today, just one Floating LNG (“FLNG”) unit is “on site”, and has yet to announce commercial operation. A handful more have made it th...