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Global Energy & Climate Outlook 2050 - EnerOutlook

EnerOutlook, 2024 Edition – online, interactive and free application forecasting energy and climate data through 2050.

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EnerOutlook is a free online application providing long-term energy trends through interactive maps and graphs.

Browse and visualise annual data from 2000 to 2050 on primary energy consumption for all energies. Access global and regional forecasts for primary and final energy consumption by source, power generation and CO2 emissions and indicators. View up-to-date energy data and robust projections at the world and region levels, based on the globally recognised POLES model.

Access projections with EnerBlue scenario, based on the successful achievement of NDCs:

  • On total primary and final consumption, with details for electricity and renewable energies;
  • On CO2 emissions;
  • On energy and climate indicators;
  • Covering the whole world with 7 regional groupings;
  • With a dedicated tab for snapshots on specific countries;
  • From 2000 to 2050;
  • Free data export in *.xls files to make your own analysis.

Some Key Figures

  • The share of fossil fuels is expected to decrease significantly globally, dropping by almost -39 points to reach 41% in 2050. Renewables account for more than 70% of electricity generation worldwide in 2050, with Europe and the Americas expected to be close to 80%;
  • Carbon content of power generation will drop substantially in all world regions, with a reduction of 88% at global scale over 2022-2050.

Total primary energy consumption (Mtoe)

Total primary energy consumption

EnerBlue scenario

CO2 intensity of electricity generation (gCO2/kWh)

co2 intensity of electricity generation-2024

EnerBlue scenario

Total CO2 emissions (incl. industrial processes)*

total co2 emission (incl industrial processes)- latin america

EnerBlue scenario - *Latin America