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The number of Low-carbon ammonia projects is strongly expanding since 2021. Driven by its multiple and diverse market uses, scalability, convenient transport and storage, this hydrogen derivative exhibits great potential. This has propelled innovation and exploration in the field of Ammonia, fuelling aspirations for commercial expansion. This report is detailing findings from our research to serve as valuable resources of information for industry players and policymakers.
Ammonia (NH3), of which around 180 million tonnes (Mt) have been produced in 2021, is a chemical compound used to produce nitrogen fertilisers (70 %) or various chemicals (30 %). Its synthesis requires dinitrogen (N2) cheaply extracted from air, and dihydrogen (H2), today mostly produced with natural gas (outside China) and coal (in China), leading to direct emissions of ~430 Mt of CO2 per year.
NH3 is labelled as “grey ammonia” when H2 is produced with fossil fuels, “blue ammonia” when Carbon Capture is applied while fossil fuels are used, and “green ammonia” when H2 is produced via water electrolysis. In addition to its current uses, low-carbon ammonia is being considered for new energy applications such as: maritime bunker fuels, hydrogen vector or thermal power generation. New energy applications could overtake traditional NH3 uses, and account for ~ 2/3 of global ammonia consumption by 2050. Median scenarios of future ammonia demand anticipate a tripling of ammonia production by 2050.
In our “Low Carbon Ammonia” report, we reviewed the supply chain and associated ammonia market players and consolidated a market status and forecast for upcoming years. Associated to the report is a database of approximately 130 projects with a potential production capacity up to 173 Mt per year of low-carbon ammonia (both blue and green), roughly equivalent to today’s global output of grey NH3.
Main sections are:
- Review of key ammonia market players over the value chain
- Grey ammonia production status
- Green and Blue ammonia production status, cost, and potential
- Review of key applications of low carbon ammonia: fertilisers, bunker fuel for maritime sector, NH3 as a vector for H2 transportation.
- Ammonia transportation aspects
- A database of 130 projects of low carbon ammonia (green & blue) over the world
Our Analysts delve deep into the specifics of NH3-fueled vessels and the rapidly developing market arising from Ammonia fuelled engines. They provide the A to Z of the nature of ammonia and its great potential.
Key Features
- Identification of Key market players in the low carbon ammonia value chain
- Analysis of the status of low carbon ammonia projects
- Expected progression of low carbon ammonia projects and total production
- Potential of emerging applications
- The Particulars of ammonia transportation network including ammonia international trade