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Power Prices Projections

Beyond stand-alone power optimisation modelling

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Power Prices Projections

At last, an alternative choice is available in future power price data. Our Power Price Projections service is a subscription-based service offering insights and time series on the long-term evolution of the day-ahead wholesale prices of electricity. This service leverages our Enerdata Power Model based on the PyPSA open-source library and on Enerdata’s renowned energy-climate scenarios. It is backed by our extensive databases (sectoral electricity demand and power plant level data) and energy markets knowledge. Power Price Projections is the ultimate strategic tool for energy investors and developers to estimate their returns on investments, on the short-, mid- and long-term.

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360° approach

of european energy markets

Hourly granularity

of the wholesale prices

2025 to 2050

annual projections


Our Power Price Projection are built from two proprietary models:

  • Our POLES model: A robust, multi-country power projection model that is used by numerous energy companies, utilities, investors and developers worldwide. It models at country level (among other indicators), yearly installed capacities and power demand by sector.
  • Our PyPSA-Enerdata model: build from the open-source library PyPSA with Enerdata’s own data and post-treatments. This model uses POLES's output to model an hourly dispatch of electricity prices at bidding zone and Power Plant Level.

Main differences between our approach and “Pure Optimisation” Power Models:

  • Using POLES modelling approach for capacity and demand, avoids the ‘winner-takes-all’ effect often observed in pure optimisation models. Due to the consideration of historical capacity and production mixes, along with the introduction of non-economic competition parameters, POLES allocates electricity generation technologies on the basis of LCOEs and variable costs, but also by considering non-economical parameters (policies, mix diversification, and more).
  • The POLES model considers technology classes with their technical, economic and environmental parameters, with a year-by-year, recursive approach presenting more suited to depicting real energy systems with their imperfections and barriers: Where optimisation models often use a perfect foresight approach – allowing economic agents to dispose of all information over the whole time horizon – POLES implements an iterative process, accounting for long-term capacity needs and ensuring a user-defined reserve security is reached on top of peak demand.
  • The other clear added-value of POLES is that sectoral energy demand is endogenous and can be modelled/refined by the user, who will find logical retroactions between supply and demand of electricity. Energy system optimisation models, in contrast, generally use energy demand as an exogenous input parameter – once again reflecting either a fixed long-term assumption or a perfect long-term foresight for agents of the energy system.

The PyPSA-ENERDATA model has two clear additional advantages compared to existing Power Models:

  • The electricity dispatch is refined at power plant level based on the data gathered on our Power Plant Tracker.
  • The behaviour of economic agent is modelled to reflect for non-rational bidding strategies and take into account non-linear constraints (e.g., ramp-up time, minimum loads, yearly emissions requirements…)

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T: +33 4 7642 2546