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World Energy Efficiency & Demand Databases

Sectoral trend analysis of energy efficiency and demand. Benchmark countries.

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World Energy Efficiency & Demand Databases
Data platform

Our Energy Efficiency and Demand databases provide a unique selection of data to monitor energy efficiency trends and access detailed information for the world’s most energy-consuming countries and European countries. Access exclusive energy efficiency indicators and detailed energy consumption data by end use through the industry, residential, transport and services sectors and sub-sectors, as well as underlying drivers.

For over two decades, Enerdata’s expertise has been internationally recognised. The European Commission selected Enerdata to be the technical coordinator of the Odyssee-Mure Project (that benchmarks the energy efficiency performance of EU member countries).

Whether you are a policy maker, a researcher, an investor, or a banker, we facilitate your quest for the greenest usages, sectors and industrial branches across countries, and the answers to questions such as:

  • What is the energy consumption by end-uses (space heating, lighting, electricity appliances, etc.) of households in a given country?
  • What is the vehicle stock?
  • What are the energy savings of a specific sector?

Why Subscribe?

  • Unique energy efficiency indicators
  • Premium data from governmental agencies
  • Pertinent Data
  • Global and/or European coverage
  • Regular updates
  • Robust data collection methodology
  • Consistent and continuous series for easy benchmarks
  • Intuitive online interface
  • Query savings and excel exports to regularly fuel your models and analysis
  • Assistance from Enerdata’s energy efficiency and demand experts

Key Features

  • Detailed energy consumption by sector and end-use: transport (by vehicle type), residential and service building (by end-use) and industry (by branch), and their drivers (ex: number of households, stock of vehicles and more)
  • COemissions (direct and indirect)
  • Advanced data request and analysis interface
  • Historical annual time series
  • 24/7 online access
  • Unlimited exports (.xls or .csv*) to integrate in your own databases and models
  • Two databases that address your geographical coverage needs: 27 EU + 4 countries or WW coverage of the 21 most energy-consuming countries + aggregates

ODEX Methodology**

A top-down approach to capture energy savings in Europe

  • The Odyssee-Mure Project used Enerdata’s Odyssee database to develop an index to measure energy efficiency progress by country and sector as well as for all final consumers
  • ODEX by sector combines unit consumption indicators by sub-sector (or end-use or mode of transport) into one index for the sector, by weighting each sub-sector index by its share in the sector’s energy consumption
  • Unit consumption index by sub-sector can use different physical units to be as close as possible to energy efficiency evaluation: toe/m2, kWh/appliance, toe/ton, litre/100 km
  • ODEX is presently calculated on the basis of 26 sub-sectors (seven modes of transport, nine end-uses/equipment for households, and 10 branches in industry)

ODEX can also be expressed in terms of volume of energy savings.

**only available for European countries

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T: +33 4 7642 2546