The whole world is moving towards decarbonisation, with challenging global targets to 2050. One of the most effective ways to reach those is to improve energy efficiency, I.e. to obtain the same or even higher level of service, while using better technology enabling a lower energy consumption. To measure this and gauge the effectiveness of policies, energy demand trends need to be thoroughly monitored (by country, by sector, by end-use, by industrial branch), as well as their drivers, and key indicators such as intensities, energy savings rate and energy efficiency rates.
Enerdata has supported the European Commission and European Union by developing tools to better define and monitor energy efficiency policies, benchmark results, and share the best practices – a full process implemented to achieve ambitious results.
Our recognised expertise has been deployed and further enriched through various projects all over the world (Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and more) with a deep understanding of historic trends and present drivers needed to assess future scenarios.
Two core teams:
- EE&D with senior experts, project managers and consultants
- Long-term partnership with ADEME, the Fraunhofer Institute and many others
- Study on Energy Efficiency in the Caribbean for CEPAL.
- Development of an energy efficiency database for Mexico.
Related Products & Solutions
Country Energy Demand Forecast
Unique, independent projections of consumption by end-use.
World Energy Efficiency & Demand Databases
Analyse energy consumption and efficiency trends at world level. Benchmark countries.
Database Management
Bring your users insightful outputs relevant to your business with Enerdata’s intuitive online interfaces.
POLES: Prospective Outlook on Long-term Energy Systems
Recognised, comprehensive simulation model for worldwide energy supply, demand and prices.
Related Services
Energy Market Forecast
Providing the outlook of an energy commodity in mid to long term time horizons.
Energy Prices Forecast
Assess the evolution of energy prices on the international and regional markets, as well as end-users prices.
Energy Efficiency Evaluation
Cutting-edge quantitative tools and relevant indicators to monitor and evaluate evolutions on worldwide energy markets.
Energy Transition & Climate Policy Assessment
With unique in-house tools and expertise, Enerdata helps you evaluate the impact of governmental climate policies on your business.
Emission Reduction Options and Costs
Analysis of the most cost-effective options to reduce emissions.
NDC Evaluation
Quantified simulation and analysis of pledges for climate change negotiations.
Carbon Market Assessment
Breakdown of carbon markets and evaluation of the climate change impacts on the carbon price.

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