As a financial player, you need to assess how the energy transition and climate change are reshuffling the cards in terms of asset valuation and investment strategies. In order to efficiently allocate your capital, you need to evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with transitioning to a zero-carbon economy.
Defining your Net-Zero strategy matters all the more as the financial system is under the spotlight, playing an increasing role in mobilising capital in service of the energy transition. Because there is no ready-made path to Net Zero, and because climate finance regulations are changing fast, you need to develop your own vision by drawing on accurate data and cutting-edge modelling tools.
Enerdata offers energy and climate data and modelling expertise to help you address these challenges.
We provide substantiated, comprehensive, and up-to-date information disaggregated by sector, country, and end-use. Our forecasting scenarios can be customised on-demand to design your long-term investment strategy and calibrate portfolio indicators aligned with your sustainability commitments. They can be used to perform scenario benchmarks
In addition, our upcoming, innovative GEEMO model allows you to rigorously assess the impacts of energy and climate variables on economic sectors at granular levels.
Finally, Enerdata’s advanced indicators allow you to evaluate decarbonisation sector by sector, down to the level of industrial branches and, for the electric power sector, even companies. (Indicators include GHG emissions, carbon factors, the shares of assets invested in renewables, and more.)
Trusted by our clients around the world

Check the list of decarbonisation indicators
- Data available for all years from 2000 to 2050
- Traffic, mobility demand per capita and freight (pkm/p, tkm/p)
- Share in transport modes (%) road/rail/air/maritime in passenger and freight
- Specific crisis taken into account (covid index)
- Road:
- Mode share
- Passengers : car/bus/2 wheelers/small EV/bike/walk (%)
- Freight : Truck/Light utility vehicle/Small electric vehicle
- Carpooling & occupancy rate (p/vhc, t/vhc)
- Annual km per vehicle (km/vhc/an)
- Years of life of vehicles
- Share of technologies in annual sales:
- Cars: Diesel, Gasoline, LPG, NGV, Electric, Hybrid – Diesel, Hybrid – Gasoline
- Bus: Diesel, Hydrogen, NGV, Electric, Hybrid – Diesel
- 2wheelers: Gasoline, NGV, Electric, Hybrid - Gasoline
- Unit consumption of new sales (kWh/100km), same technology detail as above
- Unit consumption of current stock (kWh/100km), same technology detail as above
- CO2 emission of stock (gCO2/km), same technology detail as above
- Share of biofuel
- Share of electricity consumption in hybrid vehicles
- Consumption per energy and technology of global stock, same technology detail as above
- Share of technologies in global stock, same technology detail as above
- Stock of EPC label per year
- Renovation rate
- Construction rate
- Destruction rate
- % of refurbishments per label
- Energy consumption per label and for global stock (kWh/m²/year)
- CO2 emissions per label and for global stock (KgCO2/m²/year)
- Renovation costs
Your challenges, our expertise

Develop an understanding of energy and climate modelling
- Benefit from Enerdata turnkey models
- Benchmark existing energy and climate models and data
- Sign up for training sessions with Enerdata experts, to familiarise your teams with the methodologies and financial stakes of energy and climate modelling
- Learn to interpret energy and climate scenario outputs, and to master the basics of modelling, so you can assess your risks and opportunities autonomously

Define and operationalise your Net-Zero strategy
- Establish your own Net-Zero vision, fully suited to your investment strategy and expertise
- Translate your Net-Zero vision by sector and by country, with targets adapted to every activity and local context
- Evaluate sectorial decarbonisation potentials and costs, with our Marginal Abatement Cost Curves

Design scenarios to assess the impact of energy and climate variables on economic sectors
- Tier-1 economy-energy GEEMO model, coupling POLES-Enerdata and IMACLIM-R
- High sectorial and geographical granularity
- Suitable for climate stress-testing exercises
- Customised or off-the-shelves scenarios
- Scenario benchmarking

Substantiate your decarbonisation analysis framework with the latest and most reliable data
- Exclusive, disaggregated data to improve the accuracy of your modelling tools and alignment methodologies
- Comprehensive, asset-level databases
- Robust, long-term forecasts for energy and climate
Related Products & Solutions
Energy Efficiency & Demand
Monitor your energy demand trends, their drivers and the related key indicators.
Country Energy Demand Forecast
Unique, independent projections of consumption by end-use.
Future CO2 emissions levers quantification tool
Wedges module showing a breakdown of the levers enabling to reduce emissions between two scenarios.
Related Services
Energy Efficiency and Demand Analysis
Understanding key consumption trends and drivers across sectors.
Power Generation and Renewables
Expertise in strategic and business intelligence, with fine-tuning to the market’s specificities.
Energy Prices Forecast
Assess the evolution of energy prices on the international and regional markets, as well as end-users prices.
Energy Transition Scenarios
Enerdata guides you through pathways to reach climate targets.
Energy Efficiency Evaluation
Cutting-edge quantitative tools and relevant indicators to monitor and evaluate evolutions on worldwide energy markets.
World Energy Efficiency & Demand Databases
Analyse energy consumption and efficiency trends at world level. Benchmark countries.