Wind Market Share
Enerdata's analysis of the wind market, a crucial facilitator of the energy transition, reveals a significant shift towards Chinese manufact...
Energy connectivity in ASEAN
ASEAN is composed of 10 countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, T...
Carbon price forecast under the EU ETS
The European Union (EU) has set ambitious decarbonisation targets for 2030 and 2050, supported by a range of policy instruments to foster va...
India – Energy at full speed
India became the most populated country in the world this year, with 1.4 billion inhabitants, overtaking China. As the nation strides forwar...
Behind the scenes of Russia’s gas strategy
This report analyses the factors triggering and accelerating the gas market upheaval, namely the strategy of limiting Russian gas exports. I...
Empowering Sustainable Development through Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency has emerged as a key strategy to tackle the urgent issue of climate change. This scalable and cost-effective solution is p...
Offshore wind goes floating
How this evolution might be a revolution.
Floating offshore wind is a fast expansion niche involving various types of actors. In this analy...
The boom of photovoltaic in Europe
The 2025 objective of the European Solar Energy Strategy requires to double the installed capacities in 2020. What were the direct impacts o...
Geothermal Energy
To limit the use of electricity and gas, for heating and cooling buildings, geothermal heat pumps appear as one of the most efficient techno...
Transport emissions trends in the EU
The European Union has set ambitious decarbonisation targets for 2030 and 2050. Considering that transportation is the only sector to have i...
Energy crisis: opportunity or threat for EU's energy transition?
The consequences of recent crises (Covid-19, surge in gas and electricity prices in 2021, Ukrainian situation in 2022) on the EU’s energy tr...
Capturing business opportunities in emerging power system flexibility services
The shift to a low-carbon energy mix will require the electrification of our economy, the development of variable renewable energies, and th...