Will electric vehicles be successful to mitigate the problems raised by the intermittency of wind?
Development of wind power has been important in recent years and this trend is expected to continue. More and more, this source of energy re...
Indonesia Energy Market Overview
What are the newest developments on the Indonesian energy market ? The Indonesia energy report recently published by Enerdata suggest an ext...
Nuclear perspectives: are "reject or embrace" the only options?
In recent decades, nuclear energy was perceived by many analysts, policymakers, and utility managers as a reasonably affordable option to ge...
World Energy Expenditures
World energy expenditures have more than doubled in 20 years
More than US$6,000bn1 -10% of the world Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- is spe...
India Energy Market Overview
Discover the newest developments on the Indian energy market in the India energy report recently published by Enerdata. Read an extract from...
United States Energy Market Overview
Since 2009, the United States has been overtaken by China as the world's largest energy consumer. The country's consumption decreased in 200...
China Energy Market Overview
Discover the newest developments on the Chinese energy market in the recent china energy report recently published by Enerdata. Read the exc...
Germany to abandon nuclear power by 2022
German has announced that they will abandon the nuclear power by 2022.
Just when you thought Nuclear Energy could make a comeback
Enerdata analyst presents a study on the World Nuclear Energy situation post the Fukushima disaster, a defining moment for the world energy ...
Interview on Papua New Guinea energy market
Enerdata has just released the new Papua New Guinea energy report.
Interview on Uzbekistan energy market
Enerdata has just released the new Uzbekistan energy report.
Interview on Bosnia-Herzegovina energy market
Enerdata has just released the new Bosnia-Herzegovina energy report.