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Italy plans 500 MW renewable auction in September 2019

Italy plans to hold the first of seven renewable power auctions on 30 September 2019, offering 500 MW of renewable capacity. Three more auctions will be launched on 31 January 2020, 31 May 2020 and 30 September 2020, followed by another three auctions on the same dates in 2021. The first two rounds will offer 500 MW each, the next three 700 MW and the final two 800 MW, with the aim of allocating more than 4,700 MW of new renewable power generation capacity.

Renewable power producers with a capacity of at least 1 MW will be allowed to participate in the auction, excepted for agricultural projects. Projects will be assessed on the basis of offered prices and other prices, such as power grid assets. The €5.4bn auction plan will be the first support scheme for large renewable projects since the end of the Conto Energia scheme in 2013.

For smaller projects (below 1 MW), smaller tenders will be organised, offering 650 MW for solar and wind and 700 MW for PV projects including the removal of asbestos covers.