The Danish Government has announced that it will modify its existing framework for ongoing offshore wind tenders and plans for installing a hydrogen pipeline. Considering the lack of bids on its first round of its North Sea offshore wind tender, and the current market conditions of the industry, the country is now seeking to adapt its model to mitigate the challenges facing the offshore wind market, such as rapidly increasing prices and pressure on supply chains. Denmark plans to run a new 2-3 GW offshore wind tender in the spring 2026, offering more attractive terms including the option of state subsidies and more flexibility for the bidders.
In addition, the country is also looking to further invest on the development of its hydrogen market through the establishment of Danish hydrogen infrastructure from Esbjerg towards the border with Germany around 2030. The hydrogen pipeline could be expanded further north and east at a later date.
Denmark plans to supply 100% of its power consumption with renewables by 2027, to reduce GHG emissions by 70% in 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2045.

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