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Croatia’s HROTE invites bids to develop 607 MW of renewable capacity

Croatia’s energy market operator HROTE has launched a tender for the procurement of 607 MW of renewable capacity to be developed in the country. The public tender aims to award market premium support to renewable energy projects. Bids can be submitted until 27 June 2024.

The tender is open for wind (150 MW), solar PV (450 MW) and hydropower (7 MW) technologies, with proponents being able to participate in two main categories in terms of the proposed capacity (projects above 1 MW on the one hand, and projects above 200 kW proposed by SMEs or energy communities). Maximum reference prices have been set for each of the two groups, ranging between €67.05/MWh and €158.30/MWh. Each of the winning projects will be able to receive a market premium of up to €30m. 

Croatia’s draft updated NECP (2023) raised the 2030 target for the share of renewables in the final energy consumption from 36.4% to 42.5% (28% in 2022), including 73.6% for electricity, 47.1% for heating and cooling, and 21.6% in transport.