The project
Enerdata was selected by ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological Transition, in the context of a partnership between AFD, ADEME and CONUEE, the Mexican National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy, a decentralised administrative body of SENER (the Energy Ministry).
As a result, for a 3-year period, Enerdata assisted CONUEE in the development and adaptation of tools to evaluate energy efficiency in Mexico, both over the last 20 years and over the long-term (2030, 2050).
The project, funded by AFD, was conducted in three main phases.

Strategic stakes
In December 2015, Mexico took further action against global warming by enacting its Energy Transition Law, aimed at regulating the sustainable use of energy and promoting the generation of clean power. CONUEE was appointed among the authorities in charge of its application.
To be a driving force in Mexico’s energy transition, CONUEE formed a team to work on two major axes: monitoring energy efficiency trends; and assessing the long-term impact of energy efficiency measures. To achieve both objectives, the team wanted to benefit from the French and European experience in measuring energy efficiency program through advanced indicators, and to build up new skills in energy demand forecasting scenarios.
Beyond punctual assistance, CONUEE’s experts needed in-depth training along the project with Enerdata, to take over the responsibility of energy demand monitoring and projections in Mexico after the three-year cooperation.
- Enerdata shared with CONUEE its competence in monitoring energy efficiency through indicators, first developed in Europe through the Odyssee project and further extended to Latin America within the CEPAL BIEE project. Experienced in adapting to specific contexts and constraints, our teams worked with CONUEE’s experts to create advanced indicators fully fitted to Mexico.
- Enerdata designed two energy forecasting scenarios capable of addressing CONUEE’s precise needs, thanks to our teams’ expertise in advanced energy demand modelling tools.
- Enerdata developed several web interfaces for CONUEE, by virtue of its double expertise in energy and climate challenges associated with web solutions. The proactive suggestion of customised data tools was supported by our teams’ understanding of local specificities reflected in the data.
- Enerdata conducted on-field training missions with experts from CONUEE, SENER (Energy Ministry) and CENACE (National Energy Control Centre) by leveraging its experience in energy and climate training courses.
- Development of a monitoring system on advanced energy efficiency indicators for Mexico
- Design of customised energy efficiency indicators, such as:
- An energy demand decomposition
- Energy efficiency indexes to assess energy efficiency progress at overall and sectoral levels
- Design of customised energy efficiency indicators, such as:
- Provision of several web interfaces
- Development of an interactive database for querying data and indicators by sector and by end-use.
- Creation of user-friendly analytical tools, such as:
- An energy demand decomposition tool to visualize the factors behind change in consumption by period and sector
- A regional benchmarking tool to compare residential energy consumption by state
- An international benchmarking tool to compare Mexico’s energy efficiency with other countries
- Design of an energy efficiency scenario in Mexico
- Assessment of the long-term effects of selected energy efficiency measures in Mexico, using two scenarios based on our MedPro model for energy demand forecasting (since then replaced by its new version EnerMED):
- A baseline scenario providing an outlook of the energy demand based on current trends and policies in Mexico
- An energy efficiency scenario exploring the implications of more stringent energy efficiency policies, including social measures
- Evaluation of the contribution of energy efficiency in Mexico's NDCs
- Creation of a tool to make an easy comparison between the two scenarios, in order to assess energy-saving and CO2 abatement potentials by sector and end-use.
- Assessment of the long-term effects of selected energy efficiency measures in Mexico, using two scenarios based on our MedPro model for energy demand forecasting (since then replaced by its new version EnerMED):
- Capacity building on energy efficiency indicators and energy demand modelling
- On-field training missions in Mexico.
Enerdata developed CONUEE’s online energy efficiency database.
This user-friendly platform gathers all the data and indicators prepared during the project, along with intuitive features for advanced analysis.
Figure 1: Households' energy expenditure by state for 2020
Enerdata designed two energy demand forecasting scenarios: one baseline scenario, one energy efficiency scenario.
CONUEE used the scenarios developed by Enerdata to define national energy efficiency targets and to promote the 2020 revision of the Energy Transition Law. Approved by SENER (the Energy Ministry), this update further implemented Mexico’s Transition Strategy to Promote the Use of Cleaner Technology and Fuels.
Figure 2: Energy demand forecasting for Mexico until 2050 - Baseline and energy transition scenarios
Source: Estrategia de Transición para Promover el Uso de Tecnologías y Combustibles más Limpios, © Diario Oficial de la Federación
Enerdata delivered on-field training to experts from CONUEE, SENER (the Energy Ministry) and CENACE (National Energy Control Centre).
This training successfully contributed to Mexico’s ambition of progressing “towards a sovereign energy transition”.
3-day training at CONUEE’s headquarters in Mexico, with experts from Enerdata, CONUEE, SENER and CENACE
It was a very comprehensive and well-structured project, from planning to execution […] Working with Enerdata has meant having a multidisciplinary team, with extensive knowledge about the advances in energy efficiency worldwide and strategies on how to apply them to the characteristics of Mexico […] Enerdata has committed professionals, who seek to carry out the best work and always help in the shortest possible time.