New Odyssee-Mure Datatools Added and Updated
Under the EU’s ODYSSEE-MURE project, Enerdata has developed and maintained six user-friendly data tools to help our users, including policy ...
Country Climate Factsheets for the French Development Agency
The French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement, or AFD) aims to fight poverty and promote sustainable development all over...
Electricity Demand and Load Curves in New Caledonia - Enercal
Enerdata is working with ENERCAL – the TSO (transmission system operator) in New Caledonia – to elaborate electricity demand forecasts throu...
EnerNEO development for Pakistan’s NDCs moves forward
We are currently enhancing our EnerNEO model, which the Government of Pakistan will use to develop its climate policy and define its NDCs.
EU carbon-neutral in 2050?
The French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES) has selected Enerdata to lead a project and build scenarios targeting...
Energy Transition Monitoring: a new step forward
We recently developed a process to monitor the energy transition in different countries, called EnerTraM.
A new project is now launched w...
Ademe will develop LCoE forecasts
In Numeri and Enerdata have been selected by Ademe to deal with LCoE of renewable technologies in France. The project aims to collect data o...
Renewables 2018 - Global Report
Enerdata has contributed to the Renewables 2018 Global Status Report, a comprehensive annual overview of the state of renewable energy publi...
Enerdata selected by ADEME to provide new energy scenarios
ADEME, in partnership with the Prefecture, the REV3 Mission, the Regional Council and the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, selecte...
Start of a new project with the Ministry of Energy of the United Arab Emirates
Enerdata is pleased to announce a second phase of a project with the Ministry of Energy of the UAE. It consists in developing an energy mana...
Mind the gap: Aligning the 2030 climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals EU
This study, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, analyses interactions between EU energy and climate pol...
Energy efficiency monitoring system in Mexico - Second phase
Enerdata organised a 3 days training on the energy demand model EnerMED at CONUEE (Energy Efficiency Agency) in Mexico with the support of A...