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Wind power covered 47% of Denmark's power consumption in 2019

According to Denmark’s grid operator Energinet, wind accounted for 47% of the domestic electricity consumption in 2019, surpassing the previous record of 43% in 2017. In 2018, wind represented 41% of Denmark's electricity demand. The commissioning of the 407 MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind park off the Danish west coast, operated by Vattenfall, in January 2019, accounted for a large part of the higher wind power geneartion: the park reached full operation at end-2019, with an output of 1.7 TWh/year.

Offshore wind power covered 18% of the Danish energy consumption in 2019, up from 14% in 2018. Denmark is planning three new offshore wind projects by 2030, totalling 2.4 GW. In June 2019, the government reached an agreement with all the parties in the Danish parliament to support the green transition to 2030. The deal includes “massive investment” to achieve the target of 100% green power by 2030, as well as a pledge to reduce the number of onshore wind turbines by 70% over the next decade. In December 2019, the Parliament adopted a legally binding national Climate Act with an objective to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 70% by 2030 (compared to the 1990 level) and towards net-zero emission by 2050.

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