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Vattenfall advances on 1.3 GW Korsnäs offshore wind project in Finland

The Swedish energy giant Vattenfall has announced that its Korsnäs offshore wind project is moving forward with geophysical surveys being carried out to examine the seabed at the site near Vaasa, in Finland. GEOxyz and Arctia were selected by the project developers (Vattenfall and the Finnish state-owned enterprise Metsähallitus) to conduct geophysical surveys, which should provide the necessary information for the environmental impact assessment. 

The Korsnäs wind project will have a capacity of 1.3 to 2.5 GW with a potential electricity production of 5-7 TWh/year, enough to power for over two million apartments or 350,000 electrically heated villas. The project’s construction is scheduled to start in the 2030’s.

According to Finland's NECP, renewables are expected to account for at least 51% of the country's final energy consumption in 2030 and the country aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035. At the end of 2023, Finland had an offshore wind capacity of 73 MW (0.3% of the total installed capacity).

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