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Total goes ahead with Kaombo ultra-deep offshore oil project in Angola

Total and its joint venture partners have made the final investment decision to develop the ultra-deep offshore Kaombo project in Angola. With a production capacity of 230,000 bbl/dy, Kaombo will develop estimated reserves of 650 mbl. The project will require a total capital expenditure of US$16bn (from US$20bn initially planned) and should start in 2017. The Kaombo development scheme includes 59 subsea wells, connected through around 300 km of subsea lines, to two floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels, each with a production capacity of 115,000 bbl/d. The two FPSOs will be based on conversions of very large crude carriers (VLCCs) into production units. Associated gas will be exported to the onshore Angola LNG plant.

Total is the operator of Block 32, with a 30% stake, alongside Sonangol P&P (30%), Sonangol Sinopec International (20%), Esso Exploration and Production Angola (Overseas) Limited (15%) and Galp Energia (5%).

Total goes ahead with Kaombo ultra-deep offshore oil project in Angola

Source: Total