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Romania's new roadmap considers up to 7 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2035

The Government of Romania has published its new roadmap to develop up to 7 GW of offshore wind capacity to be installed within Romania’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the Black Sea. The Offshore Wind Roadmap for Romania provides strategic analysis and explores the impact of two different offshore wind growth scenarios located at least 50 km from shore and situated predominantly in shallow waters suitable for fixed-bottom foundations. The low growth scenario assumes 3 GW of offshore wind power is installed to supply 16% of Romania’s electricity needs by the end of 2035, while the high growth scenario assumes 7 GW of offshore wind power is installed to supply 37% of Romania’s electricity needs by the end of 2035. 

The roadmap highlights priority themes and recommended actions for the Government of Romania to consider achieving these scenarios, like the establishment of development zones in the most suitable locations; viable frameworks for licensing, leasing, permitting and offtake; significant upgrades of the transmission network; and support to key areas of Romania’s supply chain.

The plan is supported by the European Commission and the World Bank Group and is part of the project ‘Internal energy market and energy transition in Romania’ which received technical support from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM).

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