According to the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), 572,000 new market offers were subscribed by residential customers in the French electricity market in 2022, with the growth being primarily attributed to the incumbent suppliers at the expense of alternative suppliers. However, there was a notable deceleration in the decrease of residential customers at the regulated electricity tariff (TRVE), with a recorded decrease of 186,000 customers in 2022 (compared to a fall of 1.05 million customers in 2021). The number of non-residential customers in electricity market offers slightly increased to 3.66 million sites, with incumbent suppliers recording an increase of 66,000 sites and alternative suppliers experiencing a decrease of 49,000 sites.
In the natural gas sector, 207,000 new market offers were subscribed by residential customers compared to 2021, with the growth being equally distributed between incumbent suppliers and alternative suppliers. The number of sites for non-residential customers in market offer and the breakdown between incumbent suppliers and alternative suppliers in natural gas remained stable compared to 2022.
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