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Minnesota Power plans 500 kV US-Canada transmission line

Minnesota Power has applied to state (Minnesota Public Utilities Commission) and federal (US DOE) regulators for permits to build the 500 kV Great Northern Transmission Line from the Minnesota (United States) - Manitoba (Canada) border to an electric substation on the Mesabi Iron Range.

The Great Northern Transmission Line will deliver to Minnesota Power customers and the upper Midwest hydroelectricity generated by Manitoba Hydro. The new transmission line will facilitate the delivery of at least 750 MW of energy into the U.S. beginning in 2020. Minnesota Power, which will have majority ownership in the project, will utilize the Great Northern Transmission Line to deliver to its service area 250 MW from Manitoba Hydro through a power purchase agreement approved by the MPUC. Minnesota Power estimates total project cost in the United States, including substation work, between US$500m and US$650m, depending upon the final approved route.