India’s Union Ministry of State Science & Technology has announced that the country's nuclear power capacity was set to increase from 7,480 MW currently to 22,480 MW by 2031. According to the ministry, the Indian Government has also accorded its ‘in principle’ approval for new sites to set up 10 new pressurised heavy reactors with a capacity of 700 MW each.
Earlier in July 2023, the third 700 MW nuclear reactor at the Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP) in Gujarat (western India) started commercial operations. It became the first Indian-designed reactor with a capacity of 700 MW, known as Indian Pressurised Heavy Reactor-700 (IPHWR-700), to start operating.
As of end-2021, nuclear represented only about 1.5% of India’s installed capacity and 3% of its power generation.
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