According to preliminary data from the German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), Germany consumed 844 TWh of gas in 2024, a 3.5% increase compared to 2023, but 14% below the average gas consumption over the 2018-2021 period. Around 61% of total German gas consumption was accounted for by industrial customers, and 39% by households and businesses.
In addition, German gas imports amounted to 865 TWh (-11%). The largest gas suppliers were Norway (48%), the Netherlands (25%) and Belgium (18%). 69 TWh of natural gas were imported via the country’s LNG terminals in Wilhelmshaven, Brunsbüttel, Lubmin and Mukran, which accounts for about 8% of total imports.
89 TWh of gas were exported, a significant decrease from the previous year (-52%). The most important customers were the Netherlands (34%), Czechia (33%) and Austria (14%). Finally, in 2024, 36 TWh (-2%) of natural gas were produced by German domestic production sites.