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Germany unveils plan to develop 40 GW of offshore wind by 2034

The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has published the fourth area development plan for the expansion of offshore wind energy in Germany, setting out an expansion path for 40 GW by 2034. The new areas were identified via a trilateral coordination process with Denmark and the Netherlands. In addition, the needed space to achieve the 70 GW expansion target by 2045 was secured.

The area development plan defines additional wind energy areas in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) with a total capacity of 40 GW, indicating that 12 GW will be tendered over the next four years. The offshore wind projects will be connected via 18 grid connections with a route length of around 2,221 km in the EEZ. 

In addition, the BSH has issued the planning approval decision for the construction and operation of the 300 MW Windanker offshore wind project to Iberdrola. Located 38 km northeast of Rügen in the German EEZ of the Baltic Sea, the project will comprise 21 turbines with a output of 14 MW each.

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