In line with the Climate Plan objective which aims to reach 32% of renewable energies in the power mix by 2030, the French government has appointed 77 new laureates to develop large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) installations, for a total capacity of 500 MW, most of which in Occitanie (103 MW) and Nouvelle-Aquitaine (139 MW) regions. 94.59 MW were awarded to subsidiaries of ENGIE, namely ENGIE Green, La Compagnie du Vent, CNR and Solairedirect.
Launched in 2016 for a total volume of 3,000 MW, the call for tender for large-scale solar installations encompasses 6 application periods distributed over 3 years. The winning projects of this second period will value the electricity produced at a historically low price, symbolizing the competitiveness of the solar sector: the average price proposed by the winners is €55.5/MWh for installations of greater power (between 5 and 17 MWp) and €63.9/ MWh for all projects. Among these winners, 82% committed themselves to participatory investment and will see their premium increased by €3/MWh.
This level of commitment is also on the rise compared to the first period of this call for tenders. The next bid approval will take place in December 2017 and will also involve a capacity of 500 MW.
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