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Eolus applies to build the 2.2 GW Skidbladner floating wind project off Sweden

The Swedish renewable developer Eolus Vind has submitted an application to the Swedish government to develop a 2.2 GW floating offshore wind project, to be located about 100 km southeast of Stockholm, off Sweden. The Skidbladner wind project will feature up to 147 wind turbines and will be able to generate 11.7 TWh/year once operational. Completion is expected for 2033.

Eolus Vind is building up a large portolio of offshore wind projects in Sweden and in Finland. In 2023, Eolus filed permit applications for its 1 GW Västvind offshore wind power project, located west of Gothenburg in southern Sweden, for its 1.7 GW Najaderna offshore wind project off Uppsala County, and for its 1.4 GW Arkona offshore wind project off Skåne's coast. In February 2024, the company submitted an application to build the 1 GW Blekinge offshore wind project off the coast of southern Sweden. 

At the end of 2023, Sweden had only 193 MW of installed offshore wind capacity (against over 16 GW of onshore wind capacity). The country aims to reach an entirely "fossil-free" electricity system by 2040.

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