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Electricity volumes traded on the European EEX market rose by 4% in 2019

In 2019, trading volumes on the EEX markets in Europe reached records. On the power markets, volumes traded on the sport markets rose by 4% to 598 TWh, including 506 TWh traded on the day-ahead markets (+2.5%) and 92 TWh on the intraday market (+11%). Traded volumes soared by nearly 33% on the power derivatives markets to 5,830 TWh, including 1,857 TWh of US power derivatives (+79%) and 3,973 TWh of European power derivatives (+19%). In mid-2019, EEX included financially settled futures for Bulgaria, Serbia and Slovenia, thereby extending trading for a total of 20 European market areas.

Gas volumes exchanged on the European natural gas markets rose by 30% to 2,542 TWh, of which 1,454 TWh were traded on the spot markets (+31%) and 1,088 TWh on the derivatives markets (+28%). EEX, through Nodal Exchange, launched gas contracts in the United States in September 2019 (4.1 TWh).

The EEX Group also traded 1,138.5 MtCO2 in 2019, i.e. 61% less than in 2018. The group carried out 217 primary market auctions for EU Emission Allowances (EUA) and EU Aviation Allowances (EUAA) with a volume of 594 MtCO2 (-27%) and traded 544 MtCO2 on the secondary market (-74%).