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Brazil's electricity consumption increased by 1.5% in 2022

According to the Brazilian Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), electricity consumption in Brazil increased by 1.5% in 2022, as the economic situation improved after the COVID-19 pandemic. Electricity consumption on the regulated market (households and small companies) decreased by 1.4%, due to a switch of regulated consumers to the liberalised market, lower temperatures cutting the use of air conditioners and the wider installation of domestic solar panels. However, it grew by 7.2% in the liberalised market (industries, trade and services), thanks to a much higher demand from services (+16%) and commerce (+11%). In the industrial sector, electricity consumption grew by 13% in the wood, pulp and paper branch and by 8% in the food branch. The growth was more moderate in the chemicals and in iron and steel sectors (+2%), and stable in the non-metallic minerals branch (-0.1%).

In January 2023, the Brazilian power sector regulator ANEEL forecast that Brazil would add 10.3 GW of new power generation capacity in 2023, with over 90% of this new capacity coming from new centralised wind and solar projects. According to ANEEL, Brazil added more than 8.2 GW of new capacity in 2022.