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Baltic Energy Market TSOs publish their 2017-2026 investment plan

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) has published the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan (BEMIP). This publication summarizes the third regional investment plan (2017-2026) for the Baltic Sea gas transmission network. As of today, the Baltic and Finnish gas markets remain relatively isolated from the European market and most of the current projects are meant to open up these markets and interconnect them into a common European gas market. Since the last BEMIP report,two LNG terminals have been commissioned: one in Klaipėda (Lithuania) and one in Świnoujście (Poland).

The BEMIP Transmission System Operators (TSOs) has also summarized the upcoming investments in 7 Baltic countries, namely Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The concerned TSOs are namely: Energinet DK (Denmark), Elering AS (Estonia), Gasum Ltd (Finland), AS Conexus Baltic Grid (Latvia), AB Amber Grid(Lithuania), GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (Poland) and Swedegas AB (Sweden).

Some of the latest highlights are:

In Denmark, the Baltic Pipe project is under way and a feasibility study conducted by Energinet and GAZ SYSTEM is currently investigating the interconnexion options between the Danish and Polish markets.

In Estonia, the main project is the Balticconnector pipeline, planned between Inkoo (Finland) and Paldiski (Estonia). It will transport 81.2 GWh/d of gas between the Baltic countries and Finland, whose network is completely isolated. Its commissioning is scheduled for 2020. Estonia also plans to build two LNG terminals, one in Paldiski and one in Tallinn.

In Lithuania, the Poland-Lithuania gas interconnection project (GIPL) is being implemented. AB Amber Grid is responsible for the implementation of GIPL in Lithuania, while GAZ-SYSTEM is responsible for implementing the Polish side. In June 2016, the Lithuanian Government approved the GIPL

project and the construction permits were awarded in September 2016. The completion is planned for 2021.