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Türkiye Energy Information

Türkiye Key Figures

86.3 million
GDP growth rate:
4.52 %/year
Energy independence:

Data of the last year available: 2023

Total consumption/GDP:*
77.8 (2005=100)
CO2 Emissions:
4.61 tCO2/capita
Rate of T&D power losses:

* at purchasing power parity

View all macro and energy indicators in the Türkiye energy report

Türkiye Energy Research

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Türkiye Total Energy Consumption

Total consumption per capita is around 1.8 toe (2023) (of which, around 3 300 kWh of electricity) compared to about 2.8 toe for the EU.

Total energy consumption has been decreasing slightly since 2022 to 155 Mtoe in 2023 (-1.5%/year), because of substantial price hikes in 2022 in transport and industry. Before that, it increased by more than 8% in 2021, and had previously been stable at around 147 Mtoe over 2017-2020, in a context of low economic growth. Total energy consumption had been growing at a rapid pace between 2000 and 2017 (around 5%/year).

Interactive Chart Türkiye Total Energy Consumption

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View the detailed fondamentals of the market at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the Türkiye energy report

Türkiye Crude Oil Production

Türkiye covers only 12% of its total oil needs with a production of 5 Mt of crude oil (2023).

The total refining capacity of 0.8 mb/d is distributed over 6 refineries, including 2 large ones belonging to Tupras: Izmir and Izmit (0.2 mb/d each). The STAR refinery (0.2 mb/d) was completed in 2018 by Socar.

In 2023, net crude and oil product imports reached almost 57 Mt, close to the 2016-2019 average. The share of crude in that amount has surged to around 60% since 2019, from 43% in 2018, due to the STAR refinery starting operations.

Interactive Chart Türkiye Crude Oil Production

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Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

Türkiye Oil Products Consumption

Oil consumption increased by almost 4% to 46 Mt in 2023. It had been increasing regularly since 2018 (+2%/year on average), following a 4.5% drop in 2017 and a period of rapid growth between 2010 and 2017 (4.5%/year), driven by the transport sector.


Interactive Chart Türkiye Refined Oil Products Production

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Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

Türkiye Natural Gas Consumption

Gas consumption decreased slightly in 2023 (-1.5%) to 52 bcm, after a significant 12% drop in 2022, driven by large price increases and reduced consumption from power plants. It had previously surged by 32% over 2019-2021, due to high economic growth and low hydropower availability.

Between 2000 and 2014, gas consumption grew very rapidly (9%/year), but growth since then has been lower and more chaotic, depending on gas-fired power generation needs and due to efforts to limit consumption through price hikes (notably in 2018 and 2019).

Interactive Chart Türkiye Natural Gas Domestic Consumption

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Additionally, for more detailed information on the LNG trade, you can request a sample of our EMEA LNG Trade Dataset

Türkiye Coal Consumption

Coal and lignite consumption dropped significantly (-17%) in 2023 to 107 Mt, after a very rapid increase between 2020 and 2022 (7%/year), driven by the power sector. Coal and lignite consumption rose by 8%/year over 2015-2019.

Of the total demand, 79% is used to produce electricity, 14% is consumed by industry, and the remainder is consumed by buildings.



Interactive Chart Türkiye Coal and Lignite Domestic Consumption

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

View the detailed consumption trends at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the Türkiye energy report

Türkiye Power Consumption

Electricity consumption remained stable in 2022 and decreased by 1% in 2023 to around 284 TWh, after 9% growth in 2021. Electricity consumption had been increasing slowly as from 2018, following a period of very rapid growth over 2010-2018 (over 5%/year).

Industry absorbs the highest share with 45%, followed by services (27%) and residential (21%). Transport accounts for 1%.


Türkiye Renewable in % Electricity Production

The General Directorate of Renewable Energy of MENR is in charge of implementing policy on renewables.

As part of the National Energy Plan 2022-2035, renewables are expected to account for 75% of the new power capacity that will be commissioned and will make up 65% of total capacity in 2035 (58.5% in 2023).

Interactive Chart Türkiye Share of Renewables in Electricity Production (incl hydro)

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

Learn more about renewables in the European Battery Market Analysis

Türkiye CO2 Fuel Combustion/CO2 Emissions

In its updated NDC (2023), Türkiye pledged to cut its GHG emissions in 2030 by 41% below a BAU scenario (compared to 21% in its initial NDC). This would limit GHG emissions to 695 MtCO2eq (incl. LULUCF), which still corresponds to a level around 60% higher than 2012 level. Türkiye also intends to peak its emissions in 2038 at the latest and achieve net zero by 2053.