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North Macedonia Energy Information

North Macedonia Key Figures

2.06 million
GDP growth rate:
1.03 %/year
Energy independence:

Data of the last year available: 2023

Total consumption/GDP:*
59.3 (2005=100)
CO2 Emissions:
3.70 tCO2/capita
Rate of T&D power losses:

* at purchasing power parity

View all macro and energy indicators in the North Macedonia energy report

North Macedonia Energy Research

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North Macedonia Total Energy Consumption

In 2023, the country's energy consumption per capita was 1.3 toe, half the European average, including 2 800 kWh of electricity (45% below the EU average).

Total energy consumption has been fluctuating around 2.7 Mtoe since 2013. In 2023, it dipped by 0.9%, after two years of recovery (+3.8% in 2021 and +1.5% in 2022).

Interactive Chart North Macedonia Total Energy Consumption

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View the detailed fondamentals of the market at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the North Macedonia energy report

North Macedonia Crude Oil Production

Oil supplies are covered by imports. North Macedonia ended crude oil imports in 2013, when the 50 kb/d OKTA refinery was shut down.

Oil product imports have been standing at around 1.3 Mt since 2019. They mostly come from Greece (88% in 2023), Bulgaria (7%), and Albania (3%).

Interactive Chart North Macedonia Crude Oil Production

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

North Macedonia Renewable in % Electricity Production

The target set in the 2017 amendment of the National Renewable Action Plan (NREAP) of nearly 24% of renewables in final energy consumption in 2020 was missed by almost 5 points (19.2% in 2020). In 2022, renewables covered 19% of final energy consumption, including 24% for electricity, 37% for heating and cooling, and less than 0.1% for transport.

Interactive Chart North Macedonia Share of Renewables in Electricity Production (incl hydro)

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

Learn more about renewables in the European Battery Market Analysis

North Macedonia CO2 Fuel Combustion/CO2 Emissions

North Macedonia's NECP (2022) retains the GHG emission cut targets set in the 2021 NDC, i.e., reducing GHG emissions by 51% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels (from 12.5 MtCO2eq to 6.1 MtCO2eq), which corresponds to an 82% cut in net GHG emissions (taking into account LULUCF) between 1990 and 2030 (from around 10 MtCO2eq to 2.2 MtCO2eq). Total GHG emissions should be cut by 66% in the energy sector, by 45% in industrial processes and Product Use, 29% in agriculture, 95% in forest and land use, and 21% in the waste sector.