Once again, the European Commission has renewed its trust in Enerdata with the new Odyssee-Mure project.
This European project is part of the LIFE programme. It relies on two regularly updated online databases with the support of a network of national teams from the Member States:
- The Odyssee database, coordinated by Enerdata for 20 years, enables to monitor, analyse, and compare the energy efficiency performance of the European Union Member States using energy efficiency indicators based on detailed data on energy consumption and its underlying factors.
- The Mure database contains a description of the energy efficiency measures implemented at European and national level and their impact.
The new Odyssee-Mure 2022-2025 project starts this October with some new features:
- Enerdata will update the Odyssee database three times a year (compared to twice before). The first two updates are based on statistical data (mostly available for the year N-2, i.e., 2021 for an update in 2023) with one at the beginning of the year for macroeconomic data and consumption aggregates, and the second in the middle of the year for detailed data and indicators. The last update will provide indicators for the year N-1 (i.e. 2022 for an update in 2023).
- Eight new Energy Community countries are included in the project: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Georgia, Ukraine, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Kosovo.
- In the Odyssee-Mure portal, Enerdata will integrate a tool to assess member states' energy efficiency policies, quantify their contribution to long-term European energy efficiency targets, and provide recommendations for additional policies and measures.
The next updates of the Odyssee and Mure databases are scheduled for March and December 2023 respectively.
Updated database and tools on the Odyssee-Mure website
3 Mar 2020
The Odyssee database on energy consumption, its drivers and energy efficiency indicators has been updated to 2017 for all EU countries, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland (and 2018 for some countries).
Four data tools available on the Odyssee-Mure website have been updated:
- key indicators, a selection of around 30 energy efficiency indicators displayed in a data mapper;
- decomposition tool, which displays the various factors behind changes in energy consumption;
- comparison tool, which compares the energy efficiency performance of one country with selected reference countries for the last year available 2017;
- market diffusion tool, which presents data on the diffusion of energy efficiency and end-uses renewables technologies and practices.
The Odyssee-Mure network will also organise several trainings on energy efficiency monitoring and evaluation until 2021. A first session has already been organised in December 2019 in Berlin (presentations available here).
New Odyssee-Mure project 2019-2021
4 Nov 2019
The new Odyssee-Mure 2019 -2021 project started last June for a period of 3 years. As part of this new project, Enerdata aims to provide two updates per year of the Odyssee database, one based on statistical data (most often available for year N-2) and the other on estimates of indicators for year N-1. Enerdata is also in charge, in collaboration with Fraunhofer ISI, of redesigning the Mure database. Finally, Enerdata will develop new indicators to include the influence of societal trends on energy consumption, such as fuel poverty or energy efficiency.
The next updates of the Odyssee and Mure databases are planned for November and December, respectively.