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EnerFuture World Energy Scenarios to 2050

Our experts in Global Energy Forecasting just released the 2021 edition of our 2050 world energy scenarios. Leveraging the POLES model, we offer an in-depth look at the future of energy for strategic/business planning and policymaking: analysis of energy demand, energy mix and penetration of renewables, evolutions and challenges according to climate constraints and technologies.

Global energy scenarios 2021-edition The publication provides a global energy overview, with outcomes such as:

  • Following the current policies and trends, energy demand could continue to grow by +36% and CO2 emission by +21% by 2050.
  • If the NDCs submitted at COP21 are achieved, the final energy intensity of GDP would be almost cut in half over 2019-2050.
  • If the Paris Agreement targets are met, the share of renewable energy sources could reach 90% of power generation in 2050.




Electricity generation sector and abatement costs to impact GHG emissions

electricity generation

Source: Enerfuture, EnerGreen and EnerBlue scenarios, AERO Model


EnerBlue scenario: shift from fossil fuels to renewables in OECD and non-OECD

fossil fuels and renewables

Source: Enerfuture, EnerBlue scenario


EnerBlue scenario: share of low-carbon energies in the power mix

non fossil energies in power mix

Source: Enerfuture, EnerBlue scenario

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