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EnerFuture World Energy Scenarios to 2040

The Enerdata Global Energy Forecasting team just released the 2018 edition of its 2040 world energy scenarios. Leveraging the POLES model, we offer expert foresight for strategic/business planning and policy making: analysis of energy demand, energy mix and penetration of renewables, evolutions and challenges according to climate constraints and technologies.

enerfuture scenarios 2018The publication provides a global energy overview, with outcomes such as:

  • 73% of the demand growth over 2016-2040 will come from Asia, and 14% fromAfrica. (Ener-Blue Scenario, +3-4° temperature increase)
  • One kWh generated will produce 71% less CO2 emission in 2040 vs 2016, Ener-Green, (Ener-Green Scenario, +2° temperature increase)
  • In 2040, up to 45% of the total car fleet could be electric



Comparison of renewables and coal trajectories

Comparison of renewables and coal trajectories enerfuture scenarios

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