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Emerging opportunities for investors in Mozambique

Large resources of coal and natural gas

Key Figures for Mozambique (As of 2011)

Population: 23.9 Million

GDP growth rate: 7.1%/year

Energy independence: 100%

Total consumption/GDP*: 90.6 (2005=100)

CO2 Emissions: 0.18 tCO2/capita

Rate of T&D power losses: 12.8%

* at purchasing power parity

Extracts on the opportunities for foreign investors from latest Mozambique Energy Report

Mozambique has large resources of coal and natural gas. In recent years, large reservoirs of natural gas have been found in particular in the Rovuma basin and gas resources are estimated at around 5 000 bcm i.e. more than twice the Qatari resources. Since December 2012 Eni has made several important gas discoveries and the company expects to spend €3.1bn during 2012-2015 and plans to invest €50bn to develop its gas finds in Mozambique.

At 212 Mt (2012) the country's coal proved reserves are significant. The country has relatively large known deposits at Moatize-Minjova, Senangoe and Mucanha-Vuzi; in the Tete Province. Production at the Moatize coal mine is expected to increase strongly. Vale, the company which exploits the mine, plans to produce 22 Mt of coal by 2015 and has developed infrastructures to export up to 24 Mt.

Mozambique plans that natural gas will contribute to about 18% of energy supply in 2030 and coal 25%, compared to 9% and near 0% in 2011.

Natural gas production in Mozambique (mcm)

Mozambique Natural Gas Production Evolution Graph

Energy Research Information in Mozambique.

Updated data about Mozambican energy consumption.

Mozambican related energy news

Japan will finance 100 MW gas-fired power plant in Mozambique

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More information about the Mozambique energy market