The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded US$4.3bn in grants to 25 selected projects to support the deployment of clean energy technology across sectors, including US$372m for projects in the electric power sector. The selected applications will fund state, local, and Tribal entities located in 30 states, through the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program, across six sectors (transportation, electric power, buildings, industry, agriculture/natural and working lands, and waste materials management). The US$372m awarded to the electric power is expected to incentivise the deployment of up to 19 GW in wind and solar capacity by 2030, and to redevelop brownfields and landfills to support renewable energy. The combined action of the selected projects, the US estimates to reduce about 971 MtCO2e by 2050. EPA expects to award the funds later this year, once all legal and administrative requirements are satisfied.
The US aims to fully decarbonise its power generation system by 2035, and to reduce by 50-52% its GHG emissions in 2030 (compared to 2005 levels), and net-zero GHG emissions in 2050.

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