PTT EP plans to invest US$24,671m in capital and operating expenditures over the 2013-2017 period. In 2013 alone, the Thai company plans to devote US$5,809m for producing activities, namely to maintain plateau production with major projects such as Arthit, Bongkot, S1 project, Contract 4 and MTJDA-B17. The group will also invest in development activities, to increase production through new projects with major projects include PTTEP Australasia project (Montara field) which is expected to start-up within the first quarter in 2013, Zawtika in Myanmar is expected to produce by the beginning of 2014, Algeria 433a & 416b project will be start-up within 2014, Canada Oil Sands KKD (the expansion of Leismer and Corner) is expected to produce by 2016 and the Mozambique Rovuma Offshore Area 1 project. PTT EP will also continue to invest in exploration activities, to find additional potential petroleum resources with major projects comprise Myanmar m3 & M11 project, Algeria Hassi Bir Rekaiz project, and Exploration projects in Australia, Mozambique and Kenya.
PTT EP aims to raise its average petroleum sales volumes to 310,000 boe/d in 2013 and to 339,000 boe/d in 2017.
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