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Start of construction at three Chinese nuclear reactors

Construction has started at three nuclear reactors in China. First concrete has now been poured for Fuqing-4 in Fujian province and Yangjiang-4 in Guangdong province - both 1080 MWe CPR-1000 units. In addition, construction of the Shandong Shidaowan HTR-PM project - a demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor - has also started in Shandong province.

Fuqing-4 and Yangjiang-4 construction was expected to start in 2011 but was delayed by the Fukushima accident in March 2011. China decided to halt approvals and licensing for new reactors until a safety plan was in place and there was assurance that existing plants were adequately designed, sited, protected and managed. In late October 2012, construction of nuclear plants was authorised to resume, though at a lower pace: only coastal sites will be approved in the 12th plan (2011-2015). Three significant inland projects at Taohuajiang, Xianning and Pengze have then been rescheduled ; they had previously been expected to start construction before 2015.

The new construction starts bring the total under construction in China to 29 units with a combined capacity of 30,000 MW.

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