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Romania Key Figures

18.9 million
GDP growth rate:
2.11 %/year
Energy independence:

Data of the last year available: 2023

Total consumption/GDP:*
45.3 (2005=100)
CO2 Emissions:
3.38 tCO2/capita
Rate of T&D power losses:

* at purchasing power parity

View all macro and energy indicators in the Romania energy report

Romania Energy Research

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Romania Total Energy Consumption

Energy consumption per capita is about 1.6 toe (2023), which is 42% below the EU average, and electricity consumption amounts to 2 300 kWh/cap (57% below the EU average).

Total energy consumption declined by 2.6% in 2023 to 31 Mtoe. It fell by 44% between 1990 and 2012, remained broadly stable at around 33 Mtoe until 2020, rose by 6.2% in 2021, and dipped again by 7.7% in 2022.


Interactive Chart Romania Total Energy Consumption

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View the detailed fondamentals of the market at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the Romania energy report

Romania Crude Oil Production

Oil production has been declining by 4%/year since 2002, reaching 3.1 Mt in 2023, i.e. 27% of crude oil consumption. Crude imports have been fluctuating in a range of 8-9 Mt since 2016 (8 Mt in 2023).

The refining capacity stands at 240 kb/d (end of 2023). The output of oil products has ranged between 10 and 13 Mt/year since 2010; after a 12% hike in 2022, it decreased by 10% to 11 Mt in 2023. Romania exports nearly 40% of its oil product production (4.2 Mt in 2023). Oil product imports have been rising since 2010 (2.2 Mt) to 4.2 Mt in 2023.

Interactive Chart Romania Crude Oil Production

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Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

Romania Oil Products Consumption

Oil product consumption has been increasing by an average of 2.2%/year since 2010, with a 2.2% hike to 10.7 Mtoe in 2023. It had declined by 2.2%/year between 2000 and 2010.

Transport is the largest oil consuming sector, accounting for 64% of oil consumption in 2023 (up from 57% in 2010). Industry absorbs nearly 17% of this consumption (including non-energy energy uses).



Interactive Chart Romania Refined Oil Products Production

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Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

Romania Natural Gas Consumption

As for electricity, high gas prices contributed to a 16% fall in gas consumption in 2022, from 12 to 10 bcm, and a 6.3% decline to 9.5 bcm in 2023. Overall, gas consumption halved between 1990 and 2000 and contracted by 1.9%/year until 2020. In recent years, the closure of petrochemical facilities contributed to this decline.

In 2023, buildings (households and services) accounted for 44% of gas demand (up from 30% in 2010), industry for 22% (down from 33% in 2010), the power sector for 24% (22% in 2010), the hydrocarbon sector for 18%, and district heating for around 4%.

Interactive Chart Romania Natural Gas Domestic Consumption

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Additionally, for more detailed information on the LNG trade, you can request a sample of our EMEA LNG Trade Dataset

Romania Coal Consumption

Lignite consumption fell by 14% in 2023 to 17 Mt, due to lower demand from the power sector (higher hydropower generation), after two years of growth. It has been evolving erratically since 1990, following a downward trend; in 2023, it was 64% below its 1990 level and 48% below its 2010 level.

Since most lignite is consumed in power plants (91% in 2023), the commissioning of a new nuclear unit in 2007, growing wind power generation, and lignite-fired capacity retirements have contributed to reducing lignite consumption.


Interactive Chart Romania Coal and Lignite Domestic Consumption

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

View the detailed consumption trends at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the Romania energy report

Romania Power Consumption

High electricity prices since 2022 have had a deterring effect on electricity consumption, which contracted by 8.5% in 2022 and 4.6% in 2023 to 43 TWh (6% below its 2010 level). Electricity consumption has ranged between 40 and 50 TWh since 2000.

Industry is the largest electricity consumer with 40% of total electricity consumption in 2023, followed by households with 30% and services with 21%.


Romania Renewable in % Electricity Production

According to its draft revised NECP, Romania aims to raise the share of renewables in final energy consumption to 38.3% in 2030, including nearly 58% in electricity consumption, 41% in heating and cooling, and 29% in transport. The renewable target for 2050 is set at 56%. The country slightly exceeded its 2020 target on renewables with a share of renewables in final energy consumption of 24.5% (+0.5 point). In 2022, renewables covered 24.1% of final energy consumption, including 43.7% for electricity, 26.3% for heating, and 8.2% in transport.

Interactive Chart Romania Share of Renewables in Electricity Production (incl hydro)

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

Learn more about renewables in the European Battery Market Analysis

Romania CO2 Fuel Combustion/CO2 Emissions

According to its draft revised NECP (2023), Romania aims to cut its GHG emissions by 78% in 2030 compared to 1990 to less than 50 MtCO2eq, thanks to massive reductions in the energy sector (-87%), industry (-77%), and agriculture (-47%), while increasing GHG removals by 17% and limiting the increase in emissions from transport to 41%. Romania aims to cut emissions under the ETS scheme by 43.9% by 2030 (compared to 2005) and by 2% for non-ETS emissions.