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Niger Key Figures

25.1 million
GDP growth rate:
1.35 %/year
Energy independence:

Data of the last year available: 2021

Total consumption/GDP:*
89.4 (2005=100)
CO2 Emissions:
0.08 tCO2/capita
Rate of T&D power losses:

* at purchasing power parity

View all macro and energy indicators in the Niger energy report

Niger Related Research

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Total Energy Consumption

In a context of rapid population growth (almost 4%/year over 2010-2022), the country's total energy consumption per capita remains small at 0.14 toe in 2021 (stable compared to 2010), including 59 kWh of electricity (+13% since 2010). It is the lowest energy consumption per capita in West Africa and the 5th lowest in the world.

Total energy consumption is increasing rapidly (7%/year since 2011), reaching 3.5 Mtoe in 2021.

Biomass dominates the energy mix, with 79%, followed by oil (15%).


Interactive Chart Niger Total Energy Consumption

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

View the detailed fondamentals of the market at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the Niger energy report

Crude Oil Production

Oil production started in 2011. Since 2013, oil production has been stable, between 0.7 Mt/year and 0.9 Mt/year. The country does not export crude oil; its entire production is processed at the Zinder refinery.

With its refinery, Niger became a small exporter of refined products (0.2 Mt in 2021). The country produced 0.7 Mt of oil products in 2021, covering its entire domestic consumption.

Interactive Chart Niger Crude Oil Production

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

Renewable in % Electricity Production

According to the country's National Renewable Energy Action Plan (2015), renewables (including hydro) were to account for 51% of the installed capacity by 2020 and 58% by 2030; however, the 2020 target was not reached, with renewables representing only 8% of the capacity. The new PDES includes an objective of 15% of solar in the power mix in 2026.

The share of biodiesel in gasoil is expected to reach 5% in 2030.

Interactive Chart Niger Share of Renewables in Electricity Production (incl hydro)

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

CO2 Fuel Combustion/CO2 Emissions

In its updated NDC (2021), Niger targets an unconditional GHG emissions reduction of 12.6% by 2030 from a BAU scenario in the Agriculture, Forestry, and other Land Use sector, and a conditional reduction of 22.75% by 2030 for the energy sector. Estimated costs for the application of the NDC amount to US$ 2.6bn for unconditional targets and US$ 7.3bn for conditional targets. Almost 68% of the total cost is directed towards climate adaptation.