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Kenya Key Figures

54.0 million
GDP growth rate:
4.85 %/year
Energy independence:

Data of the last year available: 2022

Total consumption/GDP:*
84.2 (2005=100)
CO2 Emissions:
0.33 tCO2/capita
Rate of T&D power losses:

* at purchasing power parity

View all macro and energy indicators in the Kenya energy report

Kenya Energy Research

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Kenya Total Energy Consumption

Total per capita energy consumption is around 0.54 toe (2022). Per capita electricity consumption is around 190 kWh, which is much higher than neighbour countries (30% higher than in Tanzania, twice that in Uganda).


Since 2010, total energy consumption has increased by an average of 2.2%/year.


Interactive Chart Kenya Total Energy Consumption

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

View the detailed fondamentals of the market at country level (graphs, tables, analysis) in the Kenya energy report

Kenya Crude Oil Production

Kenya does not produce oil. The country has four petroleum exploration basins including Lamu Basin, Anza Basin, Mandera Basin, and Tertiary Rift Basin. There are 63 petroleum blocks gazetted in Kenya: 35 are open for bidding and 27 are licenced (26 to 13 international oil companies and 1 to NOCK).

Exploration by ENI in the Lamu Basin started in 2022 and revealed that the wells are dry.

Since the closure of the Mombasa refinery in 2013, Kenya imports all its oil products (4.9 Mt in 2022, +34% compared to 2010).

Interactive Chart Kenya Crude Oil Production

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Additionally, for more detailed information on refineries, you can request a sample of our EMEA Refineries Dataset

Kenya Renewable in % Electricity Production

The country targets a 100% renewable power mix by 2030 (88% in 2022).

RERAC, the Renewable Energy Resources Advisory Committee, is in charge of regulating the development of the renewable energy policy.

REREC is the lead agency for the development of renewables other than geothermal and large hydro.

GDC, Geothermal Development Company (100% state-owned), was created in 2008 to fast track the development of geothermal resources, the main source of electricity in Kenya.

Interactive Chart Kenya Share of Renewables in Electricity Production (incl hydro)

Benefit from up to 2 000 up-to-date data series for 186 countries in Global Energy & CO2 data

Kenya CO2 Fuel Combustion/CO2 Emissions

In its updated NDC (2020), the country set a GHG emissions reduction target of 32% in 2030 (30% previously), compared to a BaU scenario of 143 MtCO2e. To reach this target, Kenya commits to mobilize resources to meet 13% of the budget, estimated at US$62bn, and will require international support for 87% of the budget.

Since 2017, Kenya's CO2 emissions from energy combustion are oscillating around 17 MtCO2/year (18 MtCO2 in 2022), after a very strong increase between 2013 and 2017 (10%/year).