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This analysis includes a comprehensive Chile energy market report and updated datasets. It is derived from the most recent key economic indicators, supply and demand factors, oil and gas pricing trends and major energy issues and developments surrounding the energy industry. The report provides a complete picture of the country situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. With market data and continuous follow-up of markets news, this report brings clear and concise insights with which to tackle national energy challenges and opportunities. Browse the tabs below for a detailed table of contents, the list of graphs and tables, and details on the data files.


  • Chile targets a share of 80% of renewables in the power mix in 2030 and zero-emissions in 2050.
  • Around 40% of the coal capacity will be closed by 2025, with a total phase-out in 2040.
  • Enel is the largest power company, with around 30% of power generation and half of the distribution in 2022.
  • Around 9 GW of solar and wind were commissioned between 2019 and 2023.
  • The share of renewables in the power mix has increased rapidly since 2019 (+15 points), reaching 58% in 2023.
  • Electricity prices are the highest in South America, ahead of Brazil and Peru.
  • Total energy consumption decreased by 5% in 2023 after a 3% progression in 2022.
  • Industry absorbs almost 60% the electricity consumption.
  • Around 9 GW of wind and solar projects are under construction.
of renewables (inc. hydro) in the power mix by 2030
7.8 GW
of wind and solar commissioned over 2021-2023
energy intensity reduction by 2050 (compared to 2019)
  • Institutions & Energy Policy

    The Ministry of Energy is responsible for energy policy and planning.

    The Environment Ministry is in charge of climate change.

  • Energy Companies


    ENAP, Empresa Nacional del Petroleo, is a public holding involved in all the sector's activities through its subsidiaries: ENAP Magallanes for oil exploration and production; ENAP Refinerías for oil refining and storage; Sipetrol for the activities abroad (Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Iran, and Egypt); and Petro Servicio Corp. for oil engineering and related services.

  • Energy Supply


    Oil production is negligible (0.4 Mt in 2023). Imports consisted of 8.9 Mt of crude oil and 7.7 Mt of oil products in 2023.

    The Arica pipeline makes oil trades possible with Bolivia. Through an agreement signed in 1992, Chile authorized the bidirectional use of the pipeline and the storage of oil, rendering facilities suitable for both exportation and importation.

  • Energy Prices


    Oil prices have increased strongly since 2020, reaching US$1.6/l for gasoline (+60%) and US$1.3/l for diesel (+90%), although international prices decreased in 2023 (-17%). Previous trends were in line with international prices: significant decline between 2013 and 2016, a rebound until 2018, then decline again until 2020.


  • Energy Consumption

    Energy consumption per capita is around 2 toe. The country's electricity consumption per capita is around 4 MWh (3rd in South America).

  • Issues & Prospects

    Chile's Energy Roadmap for 2050 targets a zero-emission power mix (mainly solar and wind) and a shift from private to public transportation which, according to the plan, should be low or non-carbon-emitting by 2050. New environmental standards, the promotion of energy efficiency and the eradication of energy poverty are also considered in the roadmap.

  • GRAPH 1: CO2-energy emissions (MtCO2)
  • GRAPH 2: Installed electric capacity by source (2023, %)
  • GRAPH 4: Power generation by source (2023, %)
  • GRAPH 5: Gasoline & diesel prices (US$/l)
  • GRAPH 6: Electricity prices for industry and households (US$c/kWh)
  • GRAPH 7: Gas prices for households (US$c/kWh)
  • GRAPH 8: Consumption trends by energy source (Mtoe)
  • GRAPH 9: Total consumption market share by energy (2023, %)
  • GRAPH 10: Final consumption market share by sector (2023, %)
  • Economic Indicators: Annual historical data including population, GDP growth, imports and exports, inflation rate, energy security and efficiency indicators, CO2 emissions.
  • Supply Indicators: Historical data including oil and gas reserves, electric and refining capacity, energy production, power production and external trade. All are detailed by energy source.
  • Demand Indicators: Historical data including consumption per inhabitant, consumption trends, total consumption by energy source, final consumption by energy source and sector, and electricity consumption by sector.
  • Energy Balances: Single table displaying the overall energy industry balance per annum, also graphically displayed by energy sub-segment.
  • Infrastructure Projects: Covers power plant projects by energy, technology, status and operator.

The Chile energy market data since 1990 and up to is included in the Excel file accompanying the Chile country report.
It showcases the historical evolution, allowing users to easily work with the data.

Key Data included in the excelsheet:

  • Economic indicators: Annual historical economic indicators, energy security, energy efficiency and CO2 emissions.
  • Supply indicators: Annual historical reserves, capacity, production and external trade (imports(+) exports(-) balance).
  • Demand indicators: Annual historical consumption per capita, consumption trends, total consumption, final consumption (per energy and per sector) and electricity consumption total and per sector.
  • Energy Balance: total and per energy.
  • Chile Energy Prices: In addition to the analysis provided on the report we also provided a data set which includes historical details on the Chile energy prices for the follow items: price of premium gasoline (taxes incl.), price of diesel (taxes incl.), price of electricity in industry (taxes incl.), price of electricity for households (taxes incl.), price of natural gas in industry (taxes incl.), prices of natural gas for households (taxes incl.), spot price of Brent and CO2 emissions (from fuel combustion).

The Chile country dashboards are complemented with country forecasts from EnerFuture (excel file) with scenario comparison.

Data included in the excelsheet:

  • Demand: Primary energy consumption, final energy consumption, by fuel, by sector.
  • Power: Electricity generation & capacities, by technology.
  • CO2: Total CO2 emissions.
  • Macro-economy: Main macro-economic assumptions.
  • Key indicators: Energy intensity, share of renewables, CO2 emissions per capita and per unit of GDP.