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NDC Evaluation for the World Bank and the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment

The project

Enerdata was selected by the World Bank and the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment to assess Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in G20 countries and in the Latin America and Caribbean regions.

The study analysed all types of pledges towards climate change mitigation, with their economic impacts in each sector. In addition, the study estimated the gap between current policy implementations and the levels needed to contain the global temperature rise below 2°C, as set by the Paris Agreement.

The World Bank LogoBrazil governo federal logoBrazilian Ministry of the Environment Logo

Strategic stakes

The Brazilian Ministry of the Environment is responsible for national policies addressing a wide range of energy and climate challenges, including carbon mitigation, energy efficiency, and the sustainable use of ecosystems. Beyond national borders, the ministry cooperates with other countries, regions, and international organisations to promote environmental strategies and instruments at a global level.

The World Bank is committed to increasing economic prosperity and sustainable development in developing countries and partnered with the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment to support the preparation of a Conference of the Parties (COP).

In this context, the two partners needed a tool capable of evaluating the level of energy and climate commitments required from many countries, of quantifying the policy instruments necessary to enact these pledges, and of measuring their economic consequences by country and by sector.