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Webinar - Global Energy Trends – 2023 Edition

See also

Global Energy Trends 2024
Reports & Presentations

Global Energy Trends

Our 2024 edition of Global Energy Trends report is out now!

Crafted by our expert analysts, our report evaluates the COP28 pledge to determine if current trends support the tripling of renewable capacity and the doubling of energy efficiency by 2030 and assesses its implications for long-term decarbonisation.


Download the presentation of the webinar

A troubled, yet promising year for energy transition?

2022 was a particularly shaken year. The conflict in Ukraine and the resulting blockade of exchanges with Russia significantly impacted the security of supply (and, consequently, prices) especially in Europe.

During this event, our experts will drill down into region- and country-level statistics, to present an insightful analysis, addressing key questions, including:

  • To which extent has China's sluggish growth affected energy markets?
  • What have been the effects of price variations across the G20 countries?
  • Regarding the European gas crisis, how much have gas exports surged in the USA? How have end-users in the EU coped with soaring prices? Do the trends indicate a break?
  • The significant rebound in coal: Is it a short-term adjustment or genuine reassessment of coal’s future in power generation?
  • Has the electrification of end-uses truly started yet?
  • Is economic growth finally becoming less carbon intensive compared to the pre-pandemic years? Is it only due to short-term factors?
  • Are countries’ mitigation actions in line with their NDCs?

This 2023 edition was presented by:

Géraldine Duffour

Géraldine DUFFOUR

Senior Analyst

Quentin BCHINI

Quentin BCHINI

Project Manager