The Observatory for the Security of Energy Trade Flows and Materials is coordinated by the Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS), in consortium with Enerdata and the consulting firm Cassini, under a contract with the General Directorate for International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
Through quarterly study reports, seminars and mapping work, the main objective of this observatory is to analyse the energy strategies of three key players: China, the United States and Russia. The consortium also aims to:
- Provide a geopolitical vision of energy issues, in relation to defence and security issues;
- Use cross-cutting approaches: geopolitical, economic and sectoral;
- Rely on the complementarity of the tools: qualitative analysis, economic and energy data, interactive mapping;
- Bring together various networks: academic, experts, public, private.
Enerdata's contribution consists of a monthly press review, as well as the provision of data for and the drafting of the quarterly studies and their drafting.