The World and European Energy and Environment Transition Outlook , WETO –T is the report offering perspectives toward a post carbon society.
This report is largely based on the VLEEM and PACT European research projects dealing respectively with the “Very Long Term Energy Environment Modelling” and with the “Pathways for Carbon Transitions”.
Both VLEEM and PACT have been coordinated by Enerdata and have been managed and supervised by from the European Commission.
How will demography, human capital, and life-styles drive the needs for energy services worldwide over the 21st century, and with what uncertainty? How could the world energy system fulfil these needs in a sustainable way? What does this imply regarding the necessary and possible energy transitions away from fossil fuels in Europe; and what are the social, technological, and policy dimensions of these transitions? These are the main questions addressed in WETO -T.
The “World and European Energy and Environment Transition Outlook” provides fresh insights and complements with a longer-term perspective the European Commission Communications related to a low carbon economy in 2050 and on the future of transport. It analyses important aspects for the Innovation Union and the Resource Efficient Europe flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy.