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Recent energy efficiency evolution in the EU

Energy efficiency improvement is slowing down. That is not in line with the policy announcements.

What are energy consumption trends in Europe? How to interpret the energy efficiency trends for the five past years?

In 2020, what was the status of energy efficiency? Did COVID-19 have an impact on energy savings?

Energy consumption trends

Since 2000, how are primary and final consumption evolving? What are the drivers of these evolutions? Which sector is the most dynamic?


Final energy consumption trends

Final energy consumption trends

Source: Enerdata, Odyssee database


Energy efficiency trends by end-use

To evaluate energy efficiency progress, indicators must be measured at very detailed level by sector and end-uses.

So how new cars are impacting the energy efficiency of transport sector and why energy efficiency progress is slowing down since 2014?


Final energy consumption trends

Energy efficiency trends of new cars

Source: Enerdata, Odyssee database


Energy efficiency trends by sector

How to assess energy efficiency progress at sectoral level? Which sector (industry, transport or buildings) is presenting the best improvement in energy efficiency? How much energy saving has been achieved since 2000 at EU level?


Energy efficiency improvements for final consumers

Energy efficiency improvements for final consumers

Source: Enerdata, Odyssee database, measured with ODEX


Energy efficiency in 2020

What are the impacts of the recession due to COVID-19 on energy consumption and key drivers?

In this chapter, our experts unveiled their preliminary estimates of energy efficiency trends in 2020.


Request the publication to access their conclusions.

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