Analysis on the trends in the world energy markets. 2015 Edition.
According to the 2014 Global Energy Trends publication, Enerdata points out 2014 as a remarkable year with a near stagnation in energy demand and CO2 emissions despite economic growth.
The G20’s 2014 Key Energy figures:
- +3.5% Economic Growth
- +0.3% (10.8 Gtep) Energy consumption stagnation
- -0.2% (26GtCO2) CO2 emissions stabilisations
The main trends derived from the publication are:
- Historical stagnation in energy consumption
- Stabilisation in CO2 emissions
- Global energy consumption stabilisation is reflected everywhere:
- 0 growth for gas,
- Fall in coal consumption,
- Slight increase in electricity consumption
The Global Energy Trends Analysis also provides additional graphs on such topics as:
- Coal: most consumed energy source in G20 countries
- Oil: 50% fall in international prices
- Oil: demand continues to slightly increase
- Gas: high impact of climate on gas consumption
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