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Unit 3 of Slovakia's Mochovce nuclear plant connected to the grid

Slovakia’s power utility Slovenské elektrárne (SE) has connected to the grid the 440 MW Unit 3 of the Mochovce nuclear power plant. The 1.9 GW Mochovce nuclear plant, located near Nitra in central Slovakia, consists of four VVER units. The first two units (500 MW each) were commissioned in 1998 and 2000. The fourth unit (440 MW) is still under construction and should be commissioned by the end of 2023. Construction on Units 3 and 4 started in 2009. The plant is operated by SE and owned by the Slovakian government (34%), Enel (33%) and EPH (33%). Slovakia has another nuclear plant (Bohunice) comprising two 471 MW units.

At the end of 2020, nuclear represented 23% of Slovakia’s installed capacity with 1.9 GW and 52% of the country’s power generation.

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