South Africa's state-owned power utility Eskom has given its approval to the German developer Soventix for the construction of the first phase (342 MW) of a 1 GW solar project in the town of De Aar, in South Africa.
For operational reasons, the single-axis solar tracker technology project was divided into three stages, with Soventix being in charge of their development and with South African operator Solar Africa having the rights to the first phase of the project (to either resell the completed project or generate green electricity certificates). The construction of the first 342 MW phase is expected to being in the first quarter of 2024. The project is being developed under the South African Renewable Energy IPP Procurement (REIPPP) programme of South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, being one of the first projects of such magnitude to be connected to Eskom’s transmission network.
At the end of 2022, solar (6.3 GW) accounted for 10% of South Africa's installed capacity (65 GW, 73% of which is from coal, 10% from solar, 5% from hydroelectricity, 5% from wind, 4% from oil, and 3% from nuclear).

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