Saudi Arabia has launched the Saudi Green Initiative, which sets a target of 50% electricity from renewables by 2030; in 2019, gas accounted for 65% of Saudi Arabia’s power mix; the remainder is covered by oil. The country also aims to reduce its CO2 emissions and plans to implement projects in the field of clean hydrocarbon technologies to eliminate more than 130 MtCO2 of carbon emissions (emissions reduction target set in its NDC) and to raise the rate of waste diversion from landfills to 94%.
This target to reduce CO2 emissions by 130 Mt by 2030 is in line with the target set in Saudi Arabia's NDC. Saudi Arabia's CO2-energy emissions surged by 5%/year between 1990 and 2015 and then remained stable before decreasing in 2018 (533 MtCO2). Per capita CO2 emissions are among the highest in the world, reaching 16 tCO2/cap in 2018 (7th largest per capita emitter in the world), but are in line with other Gulf countries.

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